• Corydon Village area
Categories:   Winnipeg Lab update

Back to blogging

After a very long hiatus, I am back to writing blog entries, which I will update at least every one or two months. I'll also be re-starting my weekly summaries of papers that I've found to be particularly interesting to me that week.

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  • A yellow lady's slipper orchid. These are quite more difficult to spot than wild roses or anemones!
Categories:   Lab update Winnipeg Grants Winnipeg Sites

Canada Day 2020! One Year in Winnipeg

It's been 1 year since the Doble Lab moved to Winnipeg. So much has happened in the last year! Setting up a new lab is difficult at the best of times, and COVID-19 has made things more challenging over the last few months, but there is much to be thankful for. Winnipeg has been very welcoming, and my discovery of the Assiniboine Forest trails a couple of months ago has provided me with a great escape during cathartic early morning cycling adventures.

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  • Cool maroon flower with beautiful yellow interior.
Categories:   Lab update Winnipeg COVID-19 Racism Sucks

A new month in a tumultuous year

It is difficult to believe that it is almost 1 year that I have been in Manitoba. Even under normal circumstances, I find that time slips by faster and faster with each passing year, but this last year has sped by at warp speed! This week Victor and I will be able to return to the lab bench for the first time since late March. I can't wait to get back to doing things that I didn't particularly like prior to the lock down (western blots, I'm talking about you)...

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  • Trees on the shore of the Assiniboine River that are just starting to bud.
Categories:   Winnipeg U of M Lab update Grants Paper of the Day

Update - May 3, 2020

It has been strange not being able to go in to work and to only have the opportunity to meet with people virtually through apps such as Zoom, but I feel very fortunate to be safe and healthy. This is an update on how things have been going during the last few weeks of the pandemic in Manitoba.

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April Update - Life in a time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing day-to-day life everywhere for everyone. Although the plans for the "renaissance" of my lab are on hold, I consider myself very fortunate to have a job that allows me to work from home. Also, as my lab comprises only myself and my PhD student Victor right now, the logistics of shutting down the lab and maintaining frozen cells and samples have been straightforward. You may have noticed that my "paper of the day" entries have been less consistent lately, but I'm getting back on track with this activity and will fill in the gaps for days that are missing papers.

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Categories:   Lab update


It's a new year, and I'm looking forward to the exciting challenges ahead!

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  • Frosty windows overlooking the Assiniboine River.
Categories:   Lab update

December Already!

It's hard to believe it's mid-December already! It seems like I just arrived in Manitoba, but the calendar tells a different story. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun! 

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  • The historic Roslyn Apartments in Osborne Village.
Categories:   Winnipeg Sites

Winnipeg in Summer

Most Canadians know Winnipeg’s nickname, “Winterpeg”. Here are some pics to prove that Winnipeg also has summers!

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  • Kakabeka Falls again.
Categories:   Lab update

The Doble Lab moves to Winnipeg!

The Doble Lab relocated to Winnipeg over the Canada Day long weekend.

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